Candy Crush Saga Fanon Wiki
Reality Past Versions
Level 198 
198 CCSS
Episode Caramel Coast
Level Type Jelly Levels
Jelly layers Double Jelly: 34
Moves Moves-6
Target Score 1-star score: 99.000 pts
Blockers Licorice Swirl
Other features Striped Candy  Wrapped Candy  Mystery Candy  Candy Cannon  Candy Cannon
Candy Cannon
Number of
candy colors
Number of spaces 34
Difficulty Easy
Previous Current Next
Chocolate levels Jelly Icon Moves Icon
Level 197 Level 198 Level 199

 Level 198 is the 3rd level in Caramel Coast and 65th jelly level in Candy Crush Sugar Saga. To pass this level, you must clear 34 double jellies in 6 moves or fewer.


  • There is only one color spawning, but it does not make any difference if there were more, because in this board it's impossible to make a match of three.


One-Star: 99.000 points

Two Stars: 198.000 points

All-Stars: 297.000 points


  • Creating combinations within the first two moves can ensure you that this level is not impossible.

Elements Notes[]

Element Spawn Notes
Elements Notes
  • If there are fewer than 81 licorice swirls on screen, then the board spawns up to 81 when possible.
Mystery Candy
  • If there are fewer than 81 mystery candies on screen, then the board spawns up to 81 when possible.
Striped2 (trans)
  • If there are fewer than 81 striped candies on screen, then the board spawns up to 81 when possible.
Wrapped blue
  • If there are fewer than 81 wrapped candies on screen, then the board spawns up to 81 when possible.


  • This is the first level with only one candy color.
    • The next one is not until level 563, which is 365 levels later.
  • This is the first level which regular matches are impossible to create. The player can only combine special candies.
  • This is the first level with mystery candy cannon.

Code for APK Editor[]

{"gameModeName":"Light up", "chameleonCandyMax":0,"chameleonCandySpawn":0, "licoriceMax":3,"licoriceSpawn":0, "luckyCandyMax":0,"luckyCandySpawn":0, "mulockCandyMax":0,"mulockCandySpawn":0, "mysteryCandyMax":81,"mysteryCandySpawn":0, "wrappedCandyMax":81,"wrappedCandySpawn":0, "stripedCandyMax":81,"stripedCandySpawn":0, "pepperCandyExplosionTurns":5,"pepperCandyMax":0,"pepperCandySpawn":0, "timeCandyMax":0,"timeCandySpawn":0, "moveLimit":6, "numberOfColours":1, "frogStomachSize":0, "scoreTargets":[99000,198000,297000], "portals":[], "gates":[], "episodeId":0, "levelId":0, "protocolVersion":"0.3", "randomSeed":0, "tileMap":[ ["004005026046071","004005026046071","000","002004005026072","002004005026072","000","002004005026071","002004005026071","000"], ["004046","004046","000","002004","002004","000","002004","002004","000"], ["000","000","000","000","000","000","000","000","000"], ["000","000","002004005026071","000","000","002004005026071","000","000","000"], ["004005017026028","004005017026028","000","002004005026031","002004005026031","000","004005017026028","004005017026028","000"], ["000","000","002004005026072","000","000","002004005026072","000","000","000"], ["000","000","000","000","000","000","000","000","000"], ["002004005026072","002004005026072","000","002004005026071","002004005026071","000","002004005026072","002004005026072","000"], ["002004","002004","000","002004","002004","000","002004","002004","000"] ]}

