Candy Crush Saga Fanon Wiki
Honey Harbor
Episode Number 10
World World 2 (CCR)
Levels 126-140
New features None
Difficulty Somewhat Hard
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Bonbon Boulevard Gingerbread Jungle

Honey Harbor is the tenth episode of Candy Crush Saga: Candies Revenge.

New Things

  • Nothing new are added.


This episode contains levels 126-140. This episode is a reference to Wafer Wharf. However, instead of 10 candy order levels and 1 ingredients level, both types have 4. This episode also has a high amount of jelly levels.

Although it has some very easy levels, this is the considered one of the hardest episodes in the game due to three very hard levels and two insanely hard levels. All jelly levels are all extremely difficult. Level 140 is insanely hard because not much moves to clear 81 jelly squares with tons of licorice swirls. Level 135 is insanely hard because of chocolate and six colors. Some jelly squares are almost impossible to destroy. As a result, it is a very hard episode.

Moves Levels Jelly Levels Ingredients Levels Hybrid Levels Candy Order Levels Blocker levels icon 2 Pipeline levels Jelly Colour Icon (Alpha)
1 6 4 - 4 - - -
The easiest :
Level 126
The hardest :
2 Colors 3 Colors 4 Colors 5 Colors 6 Colors
0 1 0 11 3
Hexagon icon Hardcore Levels (Navy blue level is marked as Super Hard Level)
Jelly Levels 128 Jelly Levels 132 Jelly Levels 133 Jelly Levels 135 Jelly Levels 138 Jelly Levels 140

 Difficulty coding

Very EasyEasySomewhat EasyMediumSomewhat HardHardVery HardExtremely HardNearly ImpossibleVariable

 Note that goals include target score.

3 2 2 2 0 0 6 0 0 0
Level Type Moves Target Score Goal Candy Colors
126 Moves Levels 30 10,000 1-star score: 10,000 pts 6
127 Ingredients Levels 40 75,000 Hazelnut: 3  Cherry: 3 5
128 Jelly Levels 30 300,000 Double Jelly: 81 5
129 Candy Order Levels 40 60,000 Striped2 (trans): 30 5
130 Candy Order Levels 50 10,000 Striped Candy + Color Bomb Combination: 2 5
131 Candy Order Levels 60 10,000 Striped2 (trans): 8 5
132 Jelly Levels 32 220,000 Double Jelly: 77 5
133 Jelly Levels 50 60,000 Double Jelly: 29 5
134 Ingredients Levels 45 100,000 Hazelnut: 3  Cherry: 3 5
135 Jelly Levels 45 210,000 Single Jelly: 8   Double Jelly: 63 6
136 Candy Order Levels 45 30,000 Red Candy: 100   Striped Candy + Striped Candy Combination: 4 5
137 Ingredients Levels 14 10,000 Hazelnut: 1 3
138 Jelly Levels 50 50,000 Double Jelly: 18 5
139 Ingredients Levels 35 20,000 Hazelnut: 1  Cherry: 1 5
140 Jelly Levels 17 134,000 Single Jelly: 28   Double Jelly: 53 6

